(hall-description (name "whispers") (prefix "") (version "0.1") (author "Runciter") (email " ") (copyright (2024)) (synopsis "Perform actions of the services of the shepherd daemons of\na whispers tree.") (description "The whispers command is a simple convenience wrapper\n around the herd program. Instead of specifying a file path\nto the listening socket of a running shepherd in the whispers tree, the\nuser simply provides its absolute whispers tree path as an\nargument to the --lieutenant option of this command.") (home-page "") (license gpl3+) (dependencies `(("guile-config" (config) ,guile-config))) (skip ()) (features ((guix #f) (use-guix-specs-for-dependencies #f) (native-language-support #f) (licensing #f))) (files (libraries ((scheme-file "whispers") (directory "whispers" ((scheme-file "hconfig"))))) (tests ((directory "tests" ()))) (programs ((directory "scripts" ((in-file "whispers"))))) (documentation ((org-file "README") (symlink "README" "README.org") (text-file "HACKING") (text-file "COPYING") (directory "doc" ((texi-file "whispers"))) (text-file "NEWS") (text-file "AUTHORS") (text-file "ChangeLog"))) (infrastructure ((scheme-file "guix") (text-file ".gitignore") (scheme-file "hall") (directory "build-aux" ((tex-file "texinfo") (text-file "mdate-sh") (scheme-file "test-driver") (text-file "missing") (text-file "install-sh"))) (autoconf-file "configure") (automake-file "Makefile") (in-file "pre-inst-env")))))